Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Butterfly

This is a story of the life cycle of a very special sunflower. With no ability to control its own movements, the sunflower accepts its fate and lets life take him on his journey. He had his ups and downs, found a home, but was eventually replaced after his owner didn't provide him the nourishment he needed to survive. This is something I created that is reminiscent of the film Toy Story. When Woody is "replaced" by Buzz as Andy's favorite toy, it is a moving moment for me, and it teaches me an essential lesson to not be so attached to the latest and greatest. Be able to balance your time; don't focus too much on one thing. These are all possible themes to this story.


1 comment:


Technology has begun to take over our lives individually, and altogether, as a whole. I explain why. BE THE CHANGE. ML