Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Throwback Logo Grid

My Process was based on creating a grid that represented the Denver Broncos logo from 1970-1996. This logo is from before I was born and I never was able to witness the team during its tenure with this logo. Through this logo's life-span, Denver never won a championship. Once they changed the logo in 1996, Denver won the Super Bowl two consecutive years one year later (1997-1998, 1998-1999).
The process of creating this grid was tedious, however. Hand drawing the grid was not the most enjoyable task but I believe the depiction of the logo came out pretty good.

The horse was the hardest part to display with the usage of squares. I think it came out pretty good but it was definitely the hardest part to depict. I enjoyed the technology aspect of the course and look forward to continuing the process.


1 comment:


Technology has begun to take over our lives individually, and altogether, as a whole. I explain why. BE THE CHANGE. ML