Saturday, December 1, 2018


Technology has begun to take over our lives individually, and altogether, as a whole. I explain why. BE THE CHANGE.


Saturday, November 3, 2018

One-Time Visit (XC)

I visited Ybor City, a place I previously did not think I would go to much. Ybor is a city that seems to have either a really positive effect on people or gives people a vastly negative outlook. What are the good things about Ybor? Well, Ybor shows nostalgia, history, and liveliness. It is a night-time city, with buildings that served a different prior purpose that can easily be seen. This is where people love the idea of Ybor. How people see it as a bad place is around the idea of safety. Ybor is widely known as an unsafe place but I didn't see it that way. There is rich history that I have read about Ybor city and how it started. Ybor's greatest characteristic of historical nostalgia revolved around the history of cigar-making. That is why my souvenir is a hand-rolled cigar, rolled in the most authentic cigar shop in Ybor.


The New World We Live In

  My project is mainly going to be a short video, made up of clips of my revolt against the technological monster we have created today. It will be a video that shouldn’t be too long in length but the idea behind it is one that will have a following. Essentially an experiment to record people’s reactions, I will be attempting to show them that life spans much further than just the dimensions of their cellular devices.
The title of my work is mainly reflective on the world we live in today, as it has been technologically revolutionized, ahead of where we thought we’d be as a society. Technology is all around us and it has crawled its way into our hands. Nowadays, you rarely focus on this concept because EVERYONE has been consumed by technology. In some cases this is good, in others, bad. But if you sat in a populated location and focused on the ratio of people who are walking through the beauties of life with their heads planted into their phones compared to those who are enjoying the ambience around them, you will be astonished. My goal is to balance that ratio. The University of Tampa itself will serve as the location for this experiment and the only equipment I will need, ironically, is an iPhone.
I am hopeful that people will understand the idea that I am trying to get across here. Technology is a great thing, but too much usage of it will embody us as a society and has scientifically been proven to lead to higher rates of suicide and depression. 


Friday, October 26, 2018

Teamwork. Unity. The concept of joining together and bringing forth efforts from multiple parties for the better of the group. Goals that could not be achieved individually that can be achieved through combining strengths. One man’s strength is another man’s weakness, and that’s where teamwork makes the dream work. Think about the quantum leaps made by humanity in a relatively short time as compared to the time that the universe has been around. No one man could do it without the assitance of another. Through combining efforts, a greater power is formed and that power is stronger than any force that stands against it. Teamwork. Unity.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Throwback Logo Grid

My Process was based on creating a grid that represented the Denver Broncos logo from 1970-1996. This logo is from before I was born and I never was able to witness the team during its tenure with this logo. Through this logo's life-span, Denver never won a championship. Once they changed the logo in 1996, Denver won the Super Bowl two consecutive years one year later (1997-1998, 1998-1999).
The process of creating this grid was tedious, however. Hand drawing the grid was not the most enjoyable task but I believe the depiction of the logo came out pretty good.

The horse was the hardest part to display with the usage of squares. I think it came out pretty good but it was definitely the hardest part to depict. I enjoyed the technology aspect of the course and look forward to continuing the process.


Friday, October 5, 2018

Technological Innovation

The iPhone is one of the most influential technological advancements of the 21st century; I think that is something we can all agree on. Smartphones, in general, have made mobile cellular devices take the next step in their evolution. But if you think about it, our iPhone is a lot more than a phone nowadays. The iPhone, in essence, is a conjunction of so many past technologies from even centuries ago morphed into one, small, convenient, handheld device. Think about how long maps have been around; your phone is one. Think about compasses. They have been around since essentially the dawn of time. Your phone is one! We have access to so many past technologies that are implemented into our iPhones that it is mind-blowing, but it goes unnoticed. It seems like we take these innovations for granted. A generation ago you couldn't find technology like this, and if you think about it, 20-25 years from now, our technology will make what we're using now seem like ancient history. Future technological ideas will sprout from those implemented into our iPhones, Macs, and other devices the same way our technology has today. It's the beauty of technology and what it can do for us, but we cannot became consumed by it. We have too stay in control of our advancements and keep them in our grasp.

Friday, September 28, 2018


While doing this assignment, I thought about the idea that there are so many fountains, but which one was I at? What does it represent? Who is it dedicated to? Better yet, where is it?


Technology has begun to take over our lives individually, and altogether, as a whole. I explain why. BE THE CHANGE. ML